How Is Sexual Equality And Orgasms In Your Relationships?

sexual equality

In your relationships, how is this “scale” going, are you both reaching sexual climax or is it not the way you would like? 

This is a question that women should always ask themselves, and discuss it with their partners. 

My New Column On The Spiced Blog

Structurally we grew up hearing that sex, pleasure, orgasm is “for men”. 

Of course, this concept has already changed a lot, the new generations already see it in a different way, but unfortunately there is still a lot of rooted stuff. 

Sex doctor in Delhi often hears testimonies from women who still don’t live their sexual lives to the fullest, and for that reason he decided to address this topic.

Precisely to plant some seeds in the heads of women and men, so that they start to look more closely at their relationships and we can live the long-awaited equality, especially sexual equality, the EQUALITY OF ORGASM.

Ahhh… and I can’t help but comment on how happy I am to have this space to share my ideas, hear from readers what they think about it, be able to show the importance of sensual and erotic products, and how much they can contribute to having sexual health.

But after all, what is the Orgasm thing? Known and experienced by many, but unfortunately unknown to a significant number of women… 

What Is Orgasm?

To exemplify a little bit I took some concepts of ORGASM.

According to the best sexologist in Delhi, Orgasm is the climax or moment of greatest excitement of the sexual act, which causes seminal ejaculation in men and pelvic contractions in women; enjoyed, enjoyment.

Making a synthesis of several concepts, orgasm is a phase of the sexual response cycle where there is a discharge of tension, and a very characteristic pleasure accompanied by a discharge of tension. 

It is the moment when pleasure reaches its maximum intensity; it is a post-tension relaxation reaction that our body produces at the most intense moment of the sexual act. We can call it a discharge of energy. 

These sensations are unique. Each person will feel it in a way, and even in our own body, we often reach a wonderful sensation, an apex of perfect pleasure in that moment and never again. 

When that happens, use this moment as an anchor, keep this memory in your body, it can be very useful for those moments when you can’t “get there…” but that’s a subject for another text (wait!).

Magical Sensations

For many women these moments are still unknown, or confusing. 

According to sexologist in Delhi, most women in the world have difficulty identifying these magical sensations. 

Orgasm can occur in women through anal, vaginal, breast, clitoral, cerebral, sensory stimulation, etc., in many ways. And in men, orgasm is not always accompanied by ejaculation. 

The absence of orgasm is called anorgasmia.

And if you think that’s your problem, don’t despair… relax and keep calm.

Maybe only minor adjustments are needed.

In most cases, anorgasmia has psychological causes, trauma, taboos or because the woman’s expectations do not correspond to what orgasm actually is. 

It is rare for these disorders to have anatomic causes, such as congenital malformations of the genitals. 

Another important point to pay attention to is the use of drugs or alcohol that can contribute to a decrease in your pleasure. 

Identified that something is not cool? Stop everything and seek the help of professionals in the area so they can help you. 

It could be a gynecologist, pelvic physiotherapist, psychologist, therapist, sexologist in India, sex coach, etc. 

The possibilities for help are wide, it’s just not worth thinking that it’s normal to live without feeling the wide-ranging pleasures that sex can provide.  

In heterosexual relationships, men are found to have more orgasms than women. 

Of course there are exceptions, we are talking about general rules here. 

The lack of knowledge about the clitoris and the lack of communication during sex are factors that contribute to this inequality, and I believe you will agree with me that we all have a right to reach the climax, the peak of pleasure.

So, men and women, let’s unite, putting into practice SEXUAL EQUALITY AND ORGASM IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS!


Is the female orgasm really that complicated… or are you just not used to being in bed, needing to work a little harder? (I’m not generalizing ok, just planting a seed of reflection).

After all, your partner deserves it, right! 

The more intense pleasure she has, the more moments like these she will want… and together they will be greatly benefited. 

So, start paying attention to what she likes best, take the time, give yourself completely, get out of the automatic stimulation mode. 

Ahh… important detail. These stimuli can’t just happen when they’re in four walls! 

Leaving for work without saying a good day and then coming back all excited wanting her to be “full” waiting for you, for those who behave like this, this is the time to evaluate a little more and allow yourself to become a better version of yourself each time.

Adding extra clitoral stimulation with hands, mouth or toys can certainly help women climax! 

Note that the stimulus can go beyond the intimate region, and the playground can catch fire, if they wish!


The partner’s contribution so that you reach the climax is very important, but we women cannot outsource our pleasure, waiting for the other to make us happy, make us come, make us…. make us… 

We have to be protagonists of our well-being, know what we like, what we want…

But it’s not for you to feel guilty, penalizing yourself (this happens a lot). 

What needs to be done is to throw yourself in the search for self-knowledge of emotions, of the body, to know yourself deeply. 

I know this is not an easy task, as we have a history of female repression. 

Sex in many societies is considered sinful, it still has hormonal variations, menopause, premenstrual tension, stress of modern life and even phobias that make sexual intercourse difficult.

And, ironically, the incessant search for orgasm also makes it difficult to achieve it and, solving all this at the same time, is complicated… 

Sex specialist in Delhi suggests starting slowly: 

  • Talk about sex – Not only with your partner, but also with your friends, family, etc. Every time we say the word “sex” we are breaking a taboo by actively communicating about sex. 
  • Empower Yourself – Seek to understand how female empowerment and sexuality are intertwined.
  • Love your body – It is unique and incredibly perfect. It responds to stimuli, preserves memories that can be both good and bad. That’s why it’s so important to understand what will do him good, in addition to being able to bring you a lot of pleasure. For that you need to know him. 
  • Masturbate – In addition to pleasure, masturbation has numerous health benefits.

Final Considerations

The important thing is to remember that orgasm cannot be planned, it happens! 

Now, the most important thing of all is to take care of your moments of pleasure, being alone or accompanied, and not being focused worrying about reaching orgasm (or not). 

Savor the way instead of focusing only on the arrival. 

Maybe you agree with all of this text, maybe you disagree, and that’s okay! 

Each one has a lens, a way of seeing the world, events… the important thing is to clean your lens and find your own way to seek fullness.